The time has come once again for South Africans to enjoy the sun and take that long-awaited rest in December with friends and family. This time of the year is always an exciting chapter for many when the temperatures invite us outside as we try to break away just a little bit from our busy lives. Whether your clients are preparing for a camping trip, visits to the beach, or even a DIY stay-cation, Agrinet will help ensure you are well stocked on Summer and holiday essentials!
This year we’ve listed over 700 products on this promotion! We’ve selected products that will see high demand this time of year. Brands like Kaufmann Outdoor, Tramontina Knifes, and Rogue Outdoor Gear feature promptly in this promotion as it caters to all the camping and outdoor needs your clients might have!
Summer also means a bit more work is needed for those sparkling blue pools to be relaxing enough for the family. That’s why we’ve added a range of Kreepy Krauly products that take care of those green and slimy pools with no hassle and at an affordable price!
With the family at home for the holidays, our little fur friends now get the chance to enjoy some quality time outside with their owners. Keeping these companions healthy and active is very important! That’s why we've backed Complete, which has launched a brand-new range of pet food and treats that are healthy, tasty, and affordable! A great contribution to this year's promotion and to your client's furry friend's diet!
Also part of this year's promotion, Kaufmann Garden and Hardware will help keep your client's garden in tip-top shape for those lovely days being spent outside. The list of quality brands and products on promotion just goes on and on. Don't sleep on this one! We've been working hard to get you the best stock available for this time of the year so that you can have the peaceful end of the year that you deserve!
Easily stock up on these amazing products with the help of Agrinet's eCommerce website! All Agrinet clients can register for online buying, all you need is your Agrinet Account number to register! If you are not an existing Agrinet client but would like to open an account, go to the account application page conveniently located on the website's login page or click the links to your required action below!