Agrinet is a wholesale supplier and distributor of a wide range of products across 10 specialist categories that cater to hardware retail, specialist industrial and irrigation markets in Africa.
Powafix Plaster of Paris is a white quick drying gypsum based plaster used for decorative coatings.
Product Code:676100019
Powafix Plaster of Paris mixing ratio. Mix 2 parts Plaster of Paris to 1 part clean water. Leave mixture to stand for approximately 60 seconds. Mix thoroughly with a paddle until a lump free consistency is obtained. Ensure the existing surface is clean, rough and free from any loose material or dust. Clean all surfaces with Powafix Sugar Soap and remove all algae and fungus with Powafix Fungi Fix. Dampen the existing surface before applying plaster. Handle product carefully to avoid dust generation. Dispose of empty bag and do not use for any other purpose.