As a responsible buyer and reseller of mechanized products, it is of the utmost importance to ensure those products are backed with a LOA or Letter of Authority from the NRCS (National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications).
The role of the NRCS
The role of NRCS is to preserve the safety of South African consumers against potentially hazardous non-compliant goods and ensure that they receive fair value for money. Compliance is checked and monitored at all levels, and the organisation continues to identify gaps in regulation, where necessary, to ensure consumer protection in an ever-changing global market.
NRCS is an agency of the Department of Trade and Industry established to administer compulsory specifications and other technical regulations with the view to protect human health, safety, the environment and ensure fair trade, in accordance with Government policies and guidelines. Where products and services do not meet the minimum standards, the NRCS applies sanctions which can result in stopping sales of non-conforming products, seizure, destruction and prosecution of offenders.
The NRCS's strategic goals are, to develop, maintain and administer compulsory specifications and technical regulations, to maximise compliance with all specifications and technical regulations, to inform and educate our stakeholders about the NRCS, and to ensure an optimally capacitated institution.
Technical regulations prescribe the basic requirements of goods traded in our markets. The requirements need to be competently measured and such measurements must be compatible with the country’s other trading partners in order to facilitate trade. Very importantly, consumers need to be confident that the goods they purchase are accurately measured, safe for use and of appropriate quality for their needs. Very important to note here, is that there are different grades of quality for different intended applications – for instance, a product manufactured to a quality level for domestic application, will not be measured according to an industrial or professional level requirement.
In response to these challenges, the NRCS has had to reconfigure the way it conducts business by deploying more of its people at all the ports of entry so that it can intercept non-compliant products before they enter the local market. The NRCS also protects SA consumers through strong partnerships with organisations such as the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and the South African Police Services (SAPS).
NRCS approves products that meet the requirements of applicable compulsory specifications. Letters of Authority are issued to manufacturers and importers as soon as the requirements have been met in order that the products can be imported or offered for sale.
LOA’s are required by all manufacturers and importers of commodities that fall under the scope of the compulsory specifications prior, to the importation and sale of the product. This LOA will only be issued after the successful evaluation of the proof of compliance submitted. A memorandum of agreement between SARS (Customs & Excise) and NCRS also ensures stringent import control, such that no importer will be granted entry into South Africa for commodities that fall under the scope of the relevant compulsory specifications unless they are in possession of an original valid LOA for the specific commodities.
EN and other standards issued by different standardisation bodies will only be accepted if it is proven, in the form of a declaration report from an accredited conformity assessment body (laboratory), to technically equivalent to the relevant South African National Standard. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining such a declaration report. Contain all South African national differences, for example, the plug fitted must comply with the compulsory standard for South Africa plugs.
LOA’s are valid for a period of 3 years. If after the expiry of the LOA the product is still going to be imported or manufactured (sold), it will be necessary to apply for a renewal of the LOA for the product.
The evaluation of the LOA application will under normal circumstances, take up to 120 working days from the date of registration. Only once the application is approved, will a LOA will be issued. Should the client fail to clear the findings within the stipulated time for findings that were not compliance within the stipulated time the application will be terminated, invoiced and a rejection letter will be issued to the applicant.
The NRCS strongly believes that awareness of the role of the regulator and compliance requirements contributes significantly to voluntary compliance.
Agrinet is well known for a market-leading presence and high performance, and our clients can rest assured that Agrinet has done due diligence and that LOAs are available on all SPERONI Pumps, PASCALI Pumps and STAIRS SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS.
For more information on Agrinet’s LOA's or our certified ranges of pumps and motors, please visit the Agrinet website ( or get in touch with Agrinet’s Service Centre: (012) 657 2222.
Pascali, Speroni and Stairs are exclusively available from Agrinet.